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MetaUML news

26 August 2006

Version 0.2.5 released. Component diagram support (by Radu-George), thanks to Emond for the push! Defined a macro inputonce to make sure that a mp library file is included only once, AND shown only once by the metapost interpreter in the list of includes. Plain english: less output when compiling.

28 March 2006

Version 0.2.4 released. The macro Picture was extended to help Adriana create Picture-s with fixed pre-specified sizes, in which the contents may or may not be centered within the Picture's frame --- and this for each of the axes. Documented in the manual, section "Picture Macro/Fixed Size". Added support for realization in class diagrams, courtesy of Dominic. Following Achim's feature request, allowed for TeX-typeset mathematical formulae in Note-s --- experimental feature!

19 March 2006

Version 0.2.3 released. Added macro same (e.g. same.top(A, B);). Added suport for FlowFinal. Manual addition: documented forks (horizontal, vertical), object instances, the newly added macro 'same', 'FlowFinal'.

15 February 2006

Version 0.2.2 released. Clearer support for Interface and AbstractClass. Refactoring of default fonts' definitions.

Made tests to show the new functionalities, added to manual explanations regarding font customizations.

10 February 2006

Version 0.2.1b released. Updated internals of Usecase to make it compatible in usage with Class.

The resulting benefits are demonstrated in test_usecase.mp, figures 7 to 9. The release also adds figures 4 to 6 which were mistakenly left out in the previous release.

10 February 2006

Version 0.2.1 released. Modified the internal variables of the Actor object in order to make them usable from the outside. Along this line, also modified in PictureStack the name of the group containing the pictures --- from 'myGroup' to 'group'.

This new API is used in the manual in test_usecase.mp, figures 4 to 6. These figures shows advanced Actor customization (todo: also document this in the manual's main text).

Thanks to Orjan and Carl-Emil for making me aware of the shortcomings in the existing codebase.

05 February 2006

Version 0.2.0 released. The old manual and the NTG article have been merged and expanded.

Added syntactic sugar for object positioning. It is now significantly easier to layout diagram items (see section Arranging Diagram Items from the manual).

Added support for package diagrams (by Radu-George Radulescu).

Users are spared of the scary-looking log messages. Added a simple "log" facility to the "util" infrastructure (log, loglevels etc.)

19 December 2005

Version 0.1.1 library released. Changed the default font to a more portable one (thanks Denis). Added some syntactic sugar for objects positioning and allignment (see util_positioning.mp). This version has been used to typeset the MetaUML Library of Patterns (thanks Radu).

12 December 2005

MetaUML is published on CTAN!

09 December 2005

Version 0.1.0 library and manual released. Changing version number 0.1.x to mark that MetaUML has passed the status of a mere laboratory experiment: quite a few users used MetaUML for actual typesetting of their UML diagrams. Many thanks to those who have sent me feedback! * The default fonts used by MetaUML can now be changed globally, by setting metauml_defaultFont and metauml_defaultFontLight. They are defined in metauml_defaults.mp. * Added a sample "skin" for MetaUML diagrams. I hope that the future will bring to light even more customization features of MetaUML. * Added basic support for Instance (class instances). * Notes' text is now typeset in a lighter font by default.

26 November 2005

Version 0.0.9b library released. Rewritten "dotlabel.lft(btex $A$ etex, linkStruct.pointA);" to "dotlabel.lft("A", linkStruct.pointA);". This removes an unreplicable but annoying problem which some MetaUML users experience when compiling MetaUML diagrams.

18 October 2005

Version 0.0.9 library and manual released. Added support for UML notes. All MetaUML library files have a guard against double-inclusion. The files dependencies are not yet fully explicited, so the safest bet is still to do 'input metauml'.

20 September 2005

Version 0.0.8 library and manual released. The purpose of the manual release is mainly to show the visual rendering of UML entities after the latest library changes. TemplateClass macro gives a better positioning for the templates area (thanks Lars). Activity and State fore/border/shadow color management infrastructure changed to match that of Class (which is more elegant); visual appearance made uniform across different UML entities. A further refactoring of fore/border info into a configuration class (similar to ShadeInfo) might emerge as necessary.

14 September 2005

Version 0.0.7 of the library released. Visual appearance of Class-es tuned. This version was used for the updated NTG article.

08 September 2005

Version 0.0.6 of the library released. Cleaned up the customization options in Class. Written extensive customization tutorial in the MetaUML article for NTG. I am considering abandoning the current manual in favor of this new article, which contains more up-to-date information. This new article is to be released soon. "Fractional loading" still not yet completed.

30 August 2005

Version 0.0.5 of the library released. Some small bug fixes and enhancements. This version was used to typeset the NTG article about MetaUML (to appear). Next version will allow fractional loading of MetaUML: if only class diagrams are needed, input metauml_class; would do.

22 August 2005

Version 0.0.4 library and manual released. State machine diagram support

19 August 2005

Inner design improved, preparing a new release with state machine diagram support

26 July 2005

Working on state machine diagram support

14 July 2005

Development suspended for two weeks, vacation ;) An even neater infrastructure design is being brewed, allowing for "instantaneous" development of new UML components.

13 July 2005

New site made with Apache Forrest.

11 July 2005

Version 0.0.3 library and manual released. Added basic support for usecase diagrams.

08 July 2005

Version 0.0.2 library and manual released. Added support for activity diagrams.